Discover a Whole-Body Approach to Wellness
Focusing on the body as a whole functioning unit to improve the structure and function as well as overall health and wellbeing, Fix’s osteopathic practitioners are extensively trained in the human sciences. Understanding the interrelationships of all bodily systems, they aim to treat the root causes of pain, not simply the symptoms. They focus on assisting alignment, organic function, neurovascular health, and circulation of all bodily fluids in addition to improving how the skeleton, joints, nerves, muscles, circulation, connective tissue, and internal organs all work together.
Selkirk Waterfront
What You Need to Know
What can osteopathy help with?
- Recovery from car accident injuries
- Sports injuries
- Sleep or energy issues
- Posture and alignment issues
- Joint or muscle pain
- Digestive, respiratory, or menstrual problems
- Jaw dysfunction
- Overuse issues
- Concussion rehabilitation
- Headaches
- Muscle imbalances
- Pre- and post-natal support
What should I expect during my session?
Your osteopathic practitioner will take a detailed health history to understand your complaint and complete a whole body assessment. Treatment is manual, with a hands-on approach, and will focus on particular regions as required. Please wear clothing that best exposes the area of complaint, such as shorts, sports gear, and/or sports bra. Working with you, they will provide education and support and develop a rehabilitation plan, so you can return to doing what you love.
Is osteopathy covered by my insurance?
Many insurance companies cover osteopathy but most do not allow clinics to direct bill on a patient’s behalf. Please call your insurance provider to explore your specific plan details and coverages.
Book Online
Our online booking system, Jane, is convenient and easy to use, allowing you to select your desired therapist, date, time, and location.